Grand Piece Online Wiki
Grand Piece Online Wiki


Hostile NPCs, as the name states, are hostile towards you. Unlike the passive NPCs, They will try to kill you with what they have in hand at any time if you go near them. They are located at almost every Island in the game from the Town of Beginnings to the Land of the Sky, ect. Here is a list of all the Hostile NPCs in the game.

Hostile NPCs[]


Event Hostile NPCs[]

Site Navigation[]

Canon: Town of BeginningsSandoraShell's TownIsland of ZouRestaurant BaratieOrange TownSphinx IslandArlong ParkKnock-Up StreamLand of the SkyHeavens GateSkytown District 1Skytown District 2Skytown District 3Sky CastleGolden CityGravito's FortFishman Island
Non-Canon: Roca IslandMysterious CliffFishman CaveKori IslandThe Tree